Things to do in
Traralgon EastWondering what to do in Traralgon East?
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Events in traralgon east
Fri, 13 Dec, 9:30am - 3pm AEDT
Leongatha Weekly Friday Community E-Bus Service
From Venus Bay Second Estate to Leongatha Bus Station
Fri, 13 Dec, 5:30pm - 7pm AEDT
Outlook Horizons - Disco
24 Toomuc Valley Rd, Pakenham VIC 3810, Australia
Fri, 13 Dec, 7pm - 10pm AEDT
Warragul Comedy and Open Mic
94 Alfred St, Warragul VIC 3820, Australia
Fri, 13 Dec, 7pm - 8:30pm AEDT
Christmas Floral Moon Making Workshop
7 Prompt Ln, Pakenham VIC 3810, Australia
Fri, 13 Dec, 6:30pm - 9:30pm AEDT
Renewal Foundation Event at Frankies Warragul
Cnr of Palmerston &, Victoria St, Warragul VIC 3820, Australia