Things to do in
PaihiaWondering what to do in Paihia?
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Events in paihia
Thu, 17 Oct, 7:30pm - 10:30pm NZDT
🌕Oturu moon ritual for women at Numi (October)
94 Kerikeri Road, Kerikeri 0230, New Zealand
Sat, 19 Oct, 9:30am - 3:30pm NZDT
Dargaville - Strategic Planning For Community Organisations.
35 Logan Street, Dargaville 0310, New Zealand
Wed, 16 Oct, 4pm - 5pm NZDT +45 more
Da sauna + Massage
22 Ranui Road, Whangārei Heads 0174, New Zealand
Sat, 19 Oct, 4pm - 7pm NZDT
Breathwork and Cacao Workshop
8 Karamea Road, Mangōnui 0420, New Zealand
Fri, 18 Oct, 7:30pm - 10:15pm NZDT
Bass Ritual Ecstatic Dance
49A Walton Street, Whangārei 0110, New Zealand