Things to do in
Coffs HarbourWondering what to do in Coffs Harbour?
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Events in coffs harbour
Wed, 11 Dec, 1pm - 3pm AEDT
Wednesday Early afternoon Pottery 1 to 3pm
31 Skinner St, Grafton NSW 2460, Australia
Wed, 11 Dec, 3:30pm - 5:30pm AEDT
3.30pm to 5.30pm Pottery classes Beginners to Advanced
29-31 Skinner St, South Grafton NSW 2460, Australia
Wed, 11 Dec, 6pm - 8pm AEDT
Pottery classes - Trend Art Designs
29-31 Skinner St, South Grafton NSW 2460, Australia
Wed, 11 Dec, 2pm - 3pm AEDT
Edible Art - Christmas Workshop - Pre Schoolers
158 Fitzroy St, Grafton NSW 2460, Australia