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BlogEvent Marketing

6 Tactics to Increase Your Ticket Sales (That Actually Work!)

8th Dec 2022

laptops on a table as people plan for an event

Planning a great event takes time and effort, all the way from coming up with an event idea to fine-tuning your marketing and promotion. But now you need to sell the actual tickets. How exactly are you meant to create a strategy that will increase sales? We have compiled a list of proven ticketing tactics so that you can make sure you have the best possible chance of converting interest into sales for your next event.

1. Early-Bird Tickets

Early-bird tickets are a great way to generate interest in your event ahead of the formal ticket launch date. By offering attractive discounts, you can reel in a few guests who are prepared to commit to attending the event well in advance. This helps with your planning, and gives guests the chance to get more value for money! You could do this by either offering an unlimited amount of tickets for a limited time, or a discounted price for a tier of tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis.

2. Bundled Pricing

A great way to increase the perceived value of your tickets is through bundled packages at a reduced price. This will allow you to bring in some additional revenue and spur the purchasing of add-ons or perks included in the bundle, such as access to VIP areas, food and beverage tickets, hotel accommodation, or even an after-party. For example, if you’re offering both adult and children ticket types to your festival, consider bundling them into a discounted family package, or your conference can offer a bundle that includes a meet-and-greet with one of the speakers.

3. Scarcity to Drive Demand

Using scarcity to drive demand is a really effective way to increase sales, capitalising on a universal human experience: FOMO (or “fear of missing out”). When people think they are about to miss out, they are more likely to commit to purchases on the spot. One strategy is to host your first event in a smaller venue to increase the likelihood that it will sell out, which will help drive ticket sales to your next event (just make sure you get the emails of everyone who missed out on a ticket the first time around, so you can email them about the next opportunity!). Another way is to establish more ticket tiers with limited amounts of tickets, which are then likely to sell out and increase the urgency for attendees.

4. Offer a Top-Tier Ticket Price

Offering a top-tier ticket price against a lower-tiered option is another win-win situation for organisers that drives ticket sales for both tiers. The demand occurs through the perception that the lower-tiered option is more affordable for regular attendees and that the top-tier ticket is more exclusive for those looking to upgrade their experience.

5. Promo Codes & Affiliate Tracking

Providing discount codes that include tracking options to event partners, speakers (if applicable) or friends/family will help expand your event’s reach and provide an opportunity to track exactly where ticket sales are coming from.

Check out our guide on how to set up discount codes on Humanitix!

6. Member & Affiliation Ticketing

Including a special ticketing tier for members or affiliated organisations is a fruitful way to increase membership to your organisation or forge partnerships with affiliates. This tactic works by expanding your reach to potential attendees from other organisations or tier ticket sales with your organisation’s larger strategy of increasing membership totals.

We hope these tips have helped you figure out a few new strategies to drive ticket sales for your next event. Something else you need is a platform to list your event.

Now What?

Well, you need to actually sell tickets now, why not try Humanitix? In as little as two minutes you can make your event live, delight your guests, and change lives through supporting education projects. Get started!

Em Meller
Em Meller

Em Meller lives and works in Sydney, Australia on the unceded lands of the Gadigal people. Her work has appeared in places like The Lifted Brow, Cordite, and Going Down Swinging. She has studied creative writing at the University of Technology, Sydney, and at Oxford University.

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