A lower-cost, secure and easy-to-use ticket resale alternative, that puts all the power back in your hands.
Humanitix Resale
Reselling needs a refresh. Humanitix's ethical resale offers a fair resale experience for everyone and removes the stress of using 3rd-party alternatives.
You decide when and how resale opens. Reclaim lost revenue before opening resale. Fast sell-out and a more predictable income stream for your event.
Humanitix Resale automates name-changing and reselling tickets, saving you time and offering a way smoother experience for attendees.
As your event's official and only resale partner, you and your attendees can be sure every ticket bought and sold on Humanitix is authentic. Buyer confidence gets and added boost knowing their payments and data are secure, and all buyers and sellers are legit.
Using Tixel for your resale?
Managing resale
Primary & secondary sales in one place
Control when resale starts and events
No integration required
Choose which tickets types can be resold
Resell packages and individual tickets
Selling tickets
+15% fees to buy and sell tickets
Instant payouts when ticket sold
Scalper and fraud protection
Login required to sell tickets
Buying tickets
Login required to buy tickets
Guaranteed valid, genuine tickets
Scaler and fraud protection
Humanitix Resale means lower fees for buyers and sellers - ensuring a fair and transparent resale experience for you and your attendees.
Humanitix's new ticket resale feature is an exciting move for the industry.
This is exactly the kind of shift the industry's been waiting for with lower fees, fast payouts for ticket sellers and ticket sales/resale all under one secure platform.
Vicky Keeler, General Manager,
Strawberry Fields Festival
Learn how to turn on Humanitix Resale for your next event and take back control of your secondary market.