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BlogEvent Marketing

4 Reasons to Use Paid Social Media Ads to Market Your Next Event

26th Jul 2024

man starring at facebook on computer screen

If you haven’t yet implemented paid social media marketing into your event marketing strategy, make 2022 your year! As more and more brands and companies move to social media, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. That’s where paid social media promotion can really help so that you can make sure your marketing strategy isn’t being lost in the noise. Here are six solid reasons you should make paid social media part of your strategy for upcoming events.

1. Amplify Your Reach

Many social media channels have recently updated the way their algorithms operate, especially in what content shows up on your feed. One of the consequences of these updates is that your organic reach is certainly diminishing across every platform. It’s much tougher to post a piece of promotional content about your event and expect new potential attendees to see it.

Investing in a paid social media marketing strategy allows you to go beyond your immediate audience (those that follow your page already) to reach those that normally don’t see your events or event page.

2. Make the Most of Your Budget

Yes we know, setting aside a budget for promoting your events can be a daunting task, particularly when you’ve already set aside most of your budget for the actual production of the event. We’re here to tell you that the best thing about paid social media marketing is that it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.

In fact, paid social media advertising is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools around. Since most platforms operate by a pay-per-click model, you’ll only pay when a person takes an action you wanted them to take (such as clicking through to your website, watching a video, or engaging with your post).

It’s worth outlining exactly what you can spend on paid social advertising, then experimenting with a lower budget to see exactly what works and what doesn’t. Then when you’re ready to utilise your full budget, you’ll have a better idea of how to best place your resources.

3. Specific Targeting

Every social media platform allows you to pinpoint exactly what type of person you’d like to know about your event through their respective paid advertising platforms. If your budget is small, it’s likely going to be a little more general, but with a larger budget, you can get super specific with your targeting that goes beyond demographics and into psychographic profiles that can include your audience’s interests, hobbies, and behaviors.

On Facebook specifically, you can actually retarget your ads to people who have visited your event page by installing a pixel on the page through the Ad Manager platform. The feature will ensure your Facebook ad is shown on the feeds of previous visitors, which is useful since it’s likely someone visiting your event page has shown some intent.

4. See Immediate Results With Useful Insights

Another great thing about paid social media marketing is the type of data you can glean immediately upon launching your campaign. The data has become so precise on these platforms that you can build your ideal attendee by seeing what type of people are interacting with your event promotion ads.

Armed with these insights, you can begin to see whether or not the people you’ve been targeting to attend your events have been the right ones. Perhaps, you may even consider adjusting some aspects of your event to fit in with new insights that were revealed. Better data always leads to better results in 2022.

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Em Meller
Em Meller

Em Meller lives and works in Sydney, Australia on the unceded lands of the Gadigal people. Her work has appeared in places like The Lifted Brow, Cordite, and Going Down Swinging. She has studied creative writing at the University of Technology, Sydney, and at Oxford University.

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