Things to do in
BeverleyWondering what to do in Beverley?
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Events in beverley
Sat, Dec 28, 6:30pm - 8pm AWST
Acoustic Kirtan and Chai in Guildford
116a Terrace Rd, Guildford WA 6055, Australia
Thu, Jan 9 2025, 6:30pm - 8:30pm AWST
MENS HUB \\ WA - Harrisdale Men's Circle
Jim And Alma Baker Park, 10 Welcome Meander, Harrisdale WA 6112, Australia
Mon, Dec 30, 9:30am - 12:30pm AWST
Life Skills Program with Multicultural Services Centre of WA
5 Bookham St, Morley WA 6062, Australia