Things to do in
WhangamatāWondering what to do in Whangamatā?
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Events in whangamatā
Sun, 22 Dec, 9:45am - 11:45am NZDT
Bayfair Cinema Childcare. We'll look after the kids while you shop!
19 Girven Road, Mount Maunganui 3116, New Zealand
Sun, 22 Dec, 6pm - 7pm NZDT
Sadhguru Sannidhi Pooja
Level 1/26 Mayfair Place, Glen Innes, Auckland 1072, New Zealand
Sun, 22 Dec, 4am - 6:30am NZDT
Margazhi Sadhana - Time for Stability & Balance
Level 1/26 Mayfair Place, Glen Innes, Auckland 1072, New Zealand
Sun, 22 Dec, 7pm - 11pm NZDT
Dinner & Show - Putaruru Hotel Restaurant
79 Princes Street, Putāruru 3411, New Zealand