Things to do in
Boca RatonWondering what to do in Boca Raton?
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Events in boca raton
Fri, 27 Dec, 7:30pm - 10pm EST
TGIF Date Night in Downtown Miami, Ages 29-49
200 E Flagler St, Miami, FL 33131, USA
Sat, 28 Dec, 5pm - 11pm EST
The South Fl Band Scene vs. My GPA
5701 Sunset Dr Unit 126, South Miami, FL 33143, USA
Sat, 28 Dec, 5pm - 7pm EST
Miami | Speed Dating | Saturday Event (Ages 25-39) | Fancy a Go?
The Sagamore, 1671 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139, EE. UU.