donated back to humanity
donated back to humanity
We’re transforming ticket booking fees from a necessary evil into a powerful force for good. 100% of Humanitix’s profits are dedicated to charities providing life’s essentials to humans worldwide: healthcare, education, food, and stability.
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BlogHost With The Most

How this Storytelling Festival saved costs while amplifying their impact

17th Jul 2023

A speaker standing on stage in a purple-lit room
“I love that Humanitix gives back to children in need. And when I was setting up my ticketing for the first time, the team was super helpful. I am all about giving back and supporting community so that is why I chose Humanitix, but I’m also happy at how well the platform works and how easy it is to use.“

- Kim Fuller, Founder of Born to Rise™

Host with the Most: Born to Rise™

Born to Rise™ is about healing through story. Each year they host a  storytelling festival for women that provides a space for healing, connections and joy through inspiring stories of empowerment, resilience, and overcoming challenges. Stories bridge divides, help us understand the perspective of others and build skills such as deep listening, non-judgement, empathy and compassion.

The format of the event may vary, but typically, there will be a lineup of storytellers who share their stories on stage,  a series of story workshops, music and dance performances. All of the events include networking opportunities where women can connect and have in-depth conversations.

“I hold several events throughout the year and know I will save on fees and time because Humanitix is easy to use and cost-effective. Their fees are lower AND they give back. Over time this will be a huge savings for me and a feel-good process.”

Panel of speakers at Born to Rise

Inspired and empowered by sharing her story on the TEDx stage, Kim created Born to Rise™ to give more women the opportunity to share their personal stories and connect with their community with more understanding, trust and compassion. However, expensive booking fees attached to her events did not align with the ethos of what Kim was trying to achieve, and she also wanted to make her events accessible for as many women as possible.

Humanitix offered lower fees than Kim’s previous ticketing provider, ensuring that costs stayed low and accessible for all. Further, Humanitix’s 100% for purpose model had incredible alignment with Born to Rise™ as a portion of their profits were split among three charities.

“Switching to Humanitix allowed me to amplify my impact. As well as raising funds through my event for the Women’s Resource Center, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Foundation, I could ensure all booking fee profits were going towards helping disadvantaged kids.”

Ticketing through Humanitix not only lowered the barriers for attendees by reducing booking fees, it also built engagement with the audience and the fact that Kim had chosen an ethical provider at every step of the event planning and management process. Attendees were able to see through her event and ticketing pages that all booking fee profits were being reinvested into children’s education projects, something that Kim proudly shares on her website as well.

Alexa Gorman presenting at the Storytelling Festival

We asked Kim what her three favourite things were about Humanitix. Here is what she said:

Lower Fees

“I decided to work with Humanitix for several reasons. This year my festival is a charity event so the lower fees enable me to give more to the charities we are supporting. The more of the ticket price comes to Born to Rise, less cost for attendees and more given to the charities.  It’s a win-win for all.”

Human Support

“When I first switched over to Humanitix, I felt totally supported by the staff.  They hopped on a call with me, walked me through the platform and offered great suggestions for structuring the ticket set-up.  Any questions that arose afterwards were answered right away.  Everyone was so friendly as well.”

Engagement With Impact

“When I read the Humanitix model as a platform to give back, I jumped at the idea to switch from my other ticketing platform. Their contributions to educating under-served children is near and dear to my heart so I was excited to become a part of that movement. My events are all about helping people thrive and I believe that is in line with the values Humanitix holds as well.”

Book covers for Finding and Born to Rise by Kim Fuller

Kim has put together a collection of compelling stories from 22 extraordinary women who know what it means to RISE. You can get a copy of her latest book Born to Rise here.


Humanitix is the ticketing platform that dedicates 100% of profits to charity. With tickets for good, not greed, Humanitix takes the booking fees we all hate paying and dedicates the profits to charity. Your booking fees help provide access to education, healthcare and life’s basic necessities to millions of humans across the world.

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