Things to do in
Templestowe LowerEvents in Templestowe Lower
Heide Museum of Modern Art
Heide Museum of Modern Art
HEIDE Museum of Modern Art
Banksia Coffee and Walking Group
Heide Museum of Modern Art
Hatha Yoga (Monday morning) (Term 1 2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Live Fit for Men (Term 1 2025)
Living and Learning @ Ajani
Social Fitness (Term 1 2025)
Living and Learning @ Ajani
Bollywood for Wellbeing (Term 1 2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Office Essentials (Microsoft) (Term 1 2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Smartphones and Devices - The Basics (Digital Essentials Level 1) (Term 1 2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Smartphones and Computers - Level Up (Term 1 2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Yoga Restorative (Thursday Evening) (Term 1 2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Empower Ability Social Enterprise Cafe Skills (Term 1 2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Ajani Active Wednesdays (Term 1 2025)
2/284 Thompsons Rd
Ajani Active Fridays (Term 1 2025)
2/284 Thompsons Rd
The Art of Painting and Drawing (Wednesday evening) (Term 1 2025)
Living and Learning @ Ajani
Raj Yoga/Pilates (Term 1 2025)
Living and Learning @ Ajani
Circuit Exercise (Term 1 2025)
Living and Learning @ Ajani
Balance, Posture & Stretching (Term 1 2025)
1st Lower Templestowe Scouts
Ukelele (Term 1 2025)
Living and Learning @ Ajani
Gardening Employability Skills
Living and Learning @ Ajani
Carer Connections (2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Qigong Autumn series Term 2
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Life Drawing
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Create Your Own Worm Farm
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Musculoskeletal Health Australia Presentation
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Coloured Threads Knitting Group (2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Australian Sewing Guild - Bulleen Group (2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Applique Guild of Australia - Templestowe Lower (2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Social Fitness (Term 2 2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
The Art of Painting and Drawing (Monday morning) (Term 2 2025)
Ajani Neighbourhood House
Gardening Employability Skills Term 2
Ajani Neighbourhood House